The Central Valley Higher Education Consortium (CVHEC) is a 30-member strong consortium headquartered in Fresno, CA. With the goal to increase Central Valley’s certificate and degree attainment rates, CVHEC convenes institutions, policymakers, and leaders throughout the vast 19-county region to take on difficult and complex initiatives.
After concerns were raised about lagging community college to four-year institution transfer rates, CVHEC launched the Central Valley Transfer Project. Serving 15 community colleges, the initiative supports the development and approval of transfer curriculum and the creation of public program maps. Working with faculty, staff, and leadership, CVHEC uses the tools of cross-sector collaboration and technical expertise to make transfer pathways more equitable and accessible.
CVHEC, with funding from College Futures Forward and support from the Dana Center, is leading a regional effort to improve math pathways for central valley students. Working closely with faculty to redesign course sequences, and assembling a task force to guide state policy decisions, CVHEC and their partners are deploying system-level strategies to improve math completion rates, especially for students of color.
The Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin works to dismantle barriers in education systems to ensure all students—especially those from diverse backgrounds—have equitable access to an excellent education. CVHEC, in response to AB 705 and EO 1110, partnered with the Dana Center to support math faculty to improve pedagogy and implement corequisite math courses. The outcomes produced by CVHEC member institutions elevated the region as an early adopter and exemplar of effective math pathways, and resulted in increased completion rates for math gateway courses.
Learn more about CVHEC’s outcomes at their regional data dashboard,