
Strengthening student supports and the workforce.

Led by the United Way of Southern Nevada, the Las Vegas Talent Hub convenes higher education, workforce, community, and philanthropic partners to improve outcomes for their most vulnerable residents.  Earning the designation in 2018, the Talent Hub expanded their strong partnership to create stronger pathways, support systems, and case management to improve postsecondary credential completion for youth and adults. Moving away from the “Old Nevada” economy of gaming, tourism, mining, and agriculture, UWSN and their partners are creating new economies by preparing talent for the careers of tomorrow.

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Janet Quintero
Vice President of External Affairs
Frank Woodbeck
Executive Director, Grants & Special Projects, College of Southern Nevada



Increasing persistence rates by 7.5% through integrated case management.

Working closely with the College of Southern Nevada to integrate case management support, the Las Vegas Talent Hub increased student persistence rates from 80.3% to 87.8%, an increase of 7.5% in three years.  Prior to this work, students were offered a bevy of disconnected supports ranging from SMS nudges, career counseling, academic advising, and basic needs provision.  By co-locating services, working directly with student ambassadors, and improving back-end referral services, an integrated, multi-organizational support system became less fragmented and more student centered.

Key Initiatives

Talent for New Economies

Moving away from the “Old Nevada” economy of gaming, tourism, mining, and agriculture, the Las Vegas Talent Hub convenes, creates, and invests in new talent development strategies with their higher education and workforce partners.  Considerable growth in Healthcare, Information Technology, Manufacturing, and Logistics has created a strong labor demand in Southern Nevada.  Working with key partners including workforce boards and the College of Southern Nevada, the Talent Hub has created flexible pathways that rapidly adjust to industry demand, aiding in the region’s recent $14M Good Jobs Challenge award from the US Department of Commerce.

Proactive Academic Support and Career Advising

Convening higher education, workforce, and community partners, the Las Vegas Talent Hub works to improve the existing system of academic support and career advising.  Their history operating a complex referral system through 211 makes UWSN specially adept at redesigning back-end support systems, including matching advisors to students in need, improving data sharing and its related infrastructure, and integrating academic advising with career counseling.


Nevada System of Higher Education
State Coordinating Board
Governor’s Office of Workforce Innovation for a New Nevada
State Leadership
Workforce Connections
Workforce Board