The Tulsa Talent Hub is a unique partnership among Tulsa Community College, Madison Strategies Group, the Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Tulsa Technology Center, and the City of Tulsa. Together, these lead agencies with dozens of additional stakeholders work to connect workforce training programs with credential and degree pathways while providing robust wrap-around supports. Focused on industry of tomorrow, the partnership is known for strategic employer engagement to create pathways responsive to labor demand and to leverage employer-provided supports to ensure adults have the competencies required to meet future labor demand.
Meeting the demand for highly skilled talent in cyber security and data science, Tulsa Community College partnered with edX to offer a 24-week accelerated training for adults in the Tulsa area. The program is free to admitted students and includes no-cost wrap-around supports including childcare, transportation, and career-readiness supports. The program is the first partnership between a community college and edX and is directly connected to Tulsa’s talent demand and racial equity agenda.
Through a diverse coalition of public and private partners, led by George Kaiser Family Foundation, Tulsa Innovation Labs is creating economic development programs that seek to make Tulsa the nation’s most inclusive tech community. Through collaboration, TIL is creating a shared vision and developing talent programs in virtual health, energy technology, and advanced aerial mobility.
The largest public community college in Oklahoma serving over 23,000 students annually, Tulsa Community College is a central partner in the Tulsa Talent Hub. Beyond providing high-quality education and training programs aligned to industry demand, TCC is a national leader in engaging employers to create supported talent pathways. TCC’s relational capital with employer partners is bolstered by their growing success rate. Since 2015, TCC has experienced a 25% increase in the number of degrees or certificates and graduated it’s largest class of 2,602 students in 2022.